[Mediawiki-l] Nesting Wikipedia content

aretai aretai aretaiuc at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 09:49:13 UTC 2007

Probably it would be best to just bulk export pages from Wikipedia and then
import them to your content, then maybe you could try to create a
conditional template or extension that would display the text if the link is
to external source (i.e. wikipedia).


On 3/20/07, Frederich, Eric P21322 <eric.frederich at siemens.com> wrote:
> Is it possible on a corporate Wiki to include actual live Wikipedia
> content within a page.  Possibly using a template.
> The idea being that you wouldn't have to go outside of the corporate
> Wiki to view certain Wikipedia content.
> Because we use MediaWiki as well it might confuse users if they followed
> a link, wound up at Wikipedia then tried to search Wikipedia instead of
> the corporate instance.
> If this is possible it would be great.  I could picture a template where
> it says "The following content is not maintained within our corporate
> Wiki but on Wikipedia.  Any links in the content below will bring you
> outside of this Wiki and into another."
> I think I have seen something before where you can include an entire
> page inside of another one but I'm not sure if you can do it across
> different Wikis.
> Thanks,
> ~Eric
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