[Mediawiki-l] Replace log in/Create account

Rajveen Bharatkumar Khandelwal rkhandel at syr.edu
Sat Apr 7 21:09:16 UTC 2007

We are new to PHP and mediawiki software.Guys really looking forward  
to hear any idea from you that could solve the problem below:

We have added mediawiki to an existing application. The existing  
application is written in perl. We want to run our own perl scripts to  
check the login status of a  user instead of the "log in/ create  
account" in mediawiki. Our script generates HTML code which we want to  
place it at the top of the mediawiki main page. We tried  to call the  
virtual function inside the head/body tag in monobook.php and it did  
not work. We created a separate php file and embedded the virtual  
function in it. The file worked great when  we execute by typing in  
the url but does not run when we include the php file in MonoBook.php.

we would appreciate any questions you have to get clear understanding  
of our problem!

Awaiting your replies!

Thanks & Regards,

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