[Maps-l] Maps interface to the users

Jorge Luis Chamorro chamorro at plug.org.ar
Wed Sep 9 11:21:35 UTC 2009

On Wed, 09 Sep 2009 12:31:27 +0200
Marcin Cieslak <saper at saper.info> wrote:

> Hello,
> On a side of the extension discussion I asked myself a question:
> How should plain editors use the new maps?
> I can imagine the following simple things that most people would
> probably want to do first:
> 1. just put a static map in the article
> 2. overlay the static map with some simple layer of images (like it's
> done with templates using CSS)
> How should they do (1)? Our current extensions provide usually some tag
> with coordinates as parameters. Do you think it would be feasible that
> we could allow use of OSM URLs, so that the user can just go to OSM, pan
> and zoom as they wish, pick a permalink or shortlink and paste it into
> some MediaWiki tag?
> Any thoughts on solving (2) better? I thinking about something simpler
> than what we have now (since we should be able to provide custom layers
> anyway at some point).

I was working putting some icons and popus on a map using openlayer
but I wish that my system works with my regular cellphone 
openlayer don't work fine with that cellphone then I plain to make some program to transform
the info that I put on maps to a bitmap and merge with map tiles
If I do that generating statics map can be almost trivial
These statics maps can contain my icons or larger images so we can solve point 2 also.
Also we can make a permalink too.
I think that can be simple for the user.
Saludos , Jorge

Jorge Luis Chamorro <chamorro at plug.org.ar>

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