[Labs-l] Ubuntu 14.04 Image

Matthew Walker mwalker at wikimedia.org
Thu Apr 17 21:25:48 UTC 2014

> From hearsay, we got to migrate our puppet manifests to puppet 3 and of
> course adjust them for the new package names that comes with Trusty.

I think it was Alexandros that was doing this? In any case, from what I
recall of the conversation we had too many big immediate problems with
puppet 3 to gracefully move over to it -- which is why tantalum is running
a backported version of 2.7.

> Mind to elaborate about your PDF rendering needs?  Lot of Trusty
> packages can be backported easily to Precise.  I requested/did it
> multiples time for the contint servers, that might fit your needs.

Without rehashing all those email threads it comes down to needing a
significantly newer version of TexLive. Backporting TexLive 2012 to 12.04
was possible (I did it, and I believe Faidon might have as well), but it
had a large number of potential problems and dependencies which would
probably have had undesirable knockon effects on other things we run that
need TexLive. Because we don't want to have multiple versions of packages
in apt.wm.o; and we didn't want to test all the side effects at this time;
we decided to just run on 14.04.
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