[Foundation-l] The problem with Incubator: An interactive journey

Thomas Goldammer thogol at googlemail.com
Fri Aug 12 00:47:00 UTC 2011

Hi Robin,

that sounds great, I hope these things will solve some of the
problems. Thanks for your efforts.


2011/8/12 Robin Pepermans <robinp.1273 at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> @Mark: although I do not like your tone in your original post, you
> provide some good feedback (and started a thread with more feedback),
> which is more than welcome.
> 2. Do you have a suggestion as an alternative for the term "incubating
> wikis"? Is the more often used "test wiki" better?
> 5. I improved the Incubator:Wikis list so it is more intuitive, I
> hope. As for the order, it is alphabetically.
> @Fajro "The link from the test-wiki should direct to the proper recent
> changes."
> The links on Wx/xyz pages do, or are you referring to links somewhere else?
> @Thomas: Info pages like
> http://robinpepermans.be/mw-dev/index.php?title=Wn/shi will be coming
> soon, and the redirects will hopefully be implemented this year or
> early next year. As far as I can see, this will allow interwiki links
> from any project to an incubator test wiki, which is a very good thing
> (will not work for languages unknown to Wikimedia, with current setup)
> @Nathan: A kind of "language searcher" to more easily find test wikis,
> is on my to-do list.
> And I added one more thing to the to-do list: improving
> http://www.wikipedia.org/ and similar portals. Thanks for that idea.
> In general, we are moving from the "request a new wiki (and oh, we
> need to make some pages at Incubator)" way to "start your own wiki at
> Incubator, and if it is big, we can request to move to an own
> subdomain".
> This way, we can put starting wikis back in the hands of volunteers
> without needing to create separate (inactive) wikis for each of them.
> I should communicate better about my work. Anyway, I plan to propose a
> presentation at Wikimania next year about these things.
> Regards,
> SPQRobin

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