[Commons-l] You can't upload images directly to the Spanish Wikipedia - it leads to Commons

Pedro Sanchez pdsanchez at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 06:20:01 UTC 2007

On Nov 3, 2007 7:50 PM, Yuval Y <yuval.y.il at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've checked in the English, Hebrew, French and other Wikipedias, and
> found out you can upload fair use images, or at least, I haven't found
> and DIRECT link to the Commons.
> What do you suggest, should we block all the users just because they
> can't upload images directly to the Wikipedia?
> Yuval

No, just block users who repeatedly iupload fair use images after
being warned not to.

Fair use images have been banned from eswiki for a LONG time
much before they disbaled local uplaods
which was consensed by community

You're making a big fuss out of a few stubborn people.
Spanish users have been using commons for a while without problems
and there are even several commons sysops

Fair use is banned on eswiki
no matter images go commons or not

fair use was banned BEFORE the local uploads were disabled
and it would continue so even if  local uplaods were reenabled

stubborn users would STILL be blocked
the only difference they would be blocked first on eswiki
and then on commons when they try to get around

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