Wikitech-l January 2006
  • 139 participants
  • 159 discussions

adding any php-generated-content without getting in conflict with mediawikicode
by Heinz
18 years, 3 months

HTML tags in discussions?
by Uwe Brauer
18 years, 3 months

Schema change pending
by Tim Starling
18 years, 3 months

Modification du menu navigation
by Lolo Buell
18 years, 3 months

renaming index.php to index.cgi
by Martin Baumann
18 years, 3 months

Parsing article text outside MediaWiki?
by Saqib
18 years, 3 months

user rights and logins - bug?
by John D. Mann
18 years, 3 months

Namespace manager and its potential use
by Sabine Cretella
18 years, 3 months

How mediawiki stores data and page links
by Eugenia Tenneriello
18 years, 3 months

Google doesn't index the Commons
by Brianna Laugher
18 years, 3 months
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