Wikidata March 2020
  • 41 participants
  • 36 discussions

Weekly Summary #338
by Léa Lacroix
3 years, 7 months

Accessing tabular data from SPARQL?
by Daniel Mietchen
3 years, 11 months

Wiki Workshop 2020 Announcement and Call for Papers
by Leila Zia
4 years, 1 month

Wikidata knowledge imbalance dashboard - Alpha release
by Fariz Darari
4 years, 1 month

COVID-19 & EduWiki response: Wikipedia & Education User Group Open Meeting
by LiAnna Davis
4 years, 2 months

WDQS and SPARQL Endpoint Compatibility
by Kingsley Idehen
4 years, 2 months

Wikidata WikiProject India Newsletter #3
by Bodhisattwa Mandal
4 years, 2 months

Qualifiers/sources for YSO authority links
by Osma Suominen
4 years, 2 months

ShExStatements to generate Shape Expressions from CSV
by John Samuel
4 years, 2 months

Weekly Summary #409
by Léa Lacroix
4 years, 2 months
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