Wikidata February 2019
  • 22 participants
  • 19 discussions

Weekly Summary #338
by Léa Lacroix
3 years, 7 months

Help structure wikipedia vital articles with wikidata?
by Amirouche Boubekki
5 years, 3 months

Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimania 2019 scholarship applications open
by Léa Lacroix
5 years, 3 months

WEIRD: Inverse Property constraints for Wikipedia Categories
by Thad Guidry
5 years, 3 months

Wikidata History Query Service
by Thomas Pellissier Tanon
5 years, 3 months

Weekly Summary #353
by Léa Lacroix
5 years, 3 months

Re: [Wikidata] [Wikimedia-l] Developing instructional material for Wikidata Query Service
by Léa Lacroix
5 years, 3 months

New DBpedia releases immanent
by Sebastian Hellmann
5 years, 3 months

Question: Suddenly not able to perform SPARQL query (IP blocked?)
by Matthew Moy de Vitry
5 years, 3 months

Fwd: [Wikitech-l] question about wikidata entity dumps usage (please forward to interested parties)
by Lydia Pintscher
5 years, 3 months
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