[Wiktionary-l] [Wikisource-l] Dublin Core and TEI

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 07:22:08 UTC 2010

John Vandenberg, 16/07/2010 03:03:
>> The Perseus project is an *amazing* project, but I regard them far more ahead
>> than us. The PP is actually a Virtual Research Environment, with tools for
>> scholars and researcher for studying texts, (concordances and similar stuff).
> I agree.  I would go further; PP will always be far more advanced than
> a mediawiki system.
> They store their data in TEI format, which is an extremely rich
> standard.  Wikisource can incorporate some of the TEI concepts by
> using templates, but I doubt we could ever be a leader in this area,
> nor do I think we want to.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text_Encoding_Initiative

The en.wiki article doesn't really explain anything: there is a great 
article in Italian, though.
But apart from TEI, how do they work? Is there someone who can describe 
their workflow, as André did for PGDP?

> Again, interoperability is the first step towards useful
> 'collaboration'.  i.e. Wikisource needs to export TEI.  Then we could
> feed our poorly annotated/described sources into PP, where the
> academic community would then add the metadata.
> TEI export would also be useful for wiktionary.

Ok, TEI is awesome, but if you want metadata it's simpler to implement 
them directly in Wikisource than exporting our content in some other 
project hoping they will add metadatas.
Aubrey mentioned LiberLiber, the Italian PG/PGDP; not only they're 
moving to MediaWiki, they want to implement an extension to add OAI-PMH. 
The project is named Open Alexandria because with OAI-PMH you can create 
a global huge digital library even if the actual "shelves" are scattered 
in several sources: http://www.openalexandria.org/online/?lang=en

>> Just one more thing: why this awesome thread has not been linked to the
>> source-l? Probably that would have been the best place to discuss.
> ;-)

Changing subject is good, but if you reply to another thread clients 
will merge the new to the old thread, and if the latter is heated and 
has low signal/noise ratio the former will be buried in it...


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