[Wiktionary-l] [Foundation-l] Divergent Wiktionary logos

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 17:30:31 UTC 2009

With the refusal of the logo by many wiktionaries, a precedent was set. The
basis for this precedent is very much based on the autonomy of the
individual projects. For the Wiktionaries there have been several moments
where proposals failed because the perceived need for collaboration by some
projects was not shared by all projects.

When I read what is proposed, the impression is given that a process will
start with a compulsory outcome. I understand the rationale for one shared
logo and favicon. The problem is that it is people outside of Wiktionary
that want to improve the Wiktionary "brand" and the last time it was very
much these outsiders that made the selection.

The result is known.

I am in favour of having this matter resolved. Putting time constraints on
this issue is not a good thing. The first thing I would do is inform that
this is a matter that needs to be resolved. Have the Wiktionarians discuss
this for some time and have them define and commit to a timeline. We have
all the time in the world. If it takes an extra month, two, three it takes
another month two three. What you want is a resolution and you have to get
it from the Wiktionarians.

2009/3/25 Cary Bass <cary at wikimedia.org>

> Hash: SHA1
> Nathan wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Cary Bass <cary at wikimedia.org>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >> I'd like to propose the following page:
> >>
> >> <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiktionary/logo/refresh> be
> >> opened for arguments and vote on it start in a weeks time.
> >>
> >> I'd also like considerable help in advertising it throughout the
> >> projects and managing the page, as well.
> >>
> >> Cary
> >>
> >
> > Goes to the question of who determines the logo to be used, doesn't
> > it? If the meta vote approves the new logo, but a vote on en.wikt
> > does not, which is binding? Can meta participants vote to change
> > any logo?
> >
> > Nathan
> Of course Meta participants can vote; Wiktionary isn't solely "owned"
> by the people who most actively use it. It's a Wikimedia project,
> first and foremost. I generally expect most people who use Meta to
> respectfully give weight to the Wiktionarians, however, and not just
> "vote" on impulse. Most of us do that.
> And to ensure that we have Wiktionarian participation, this is where
> "advertising" comes in. It should be promoted on the Village Pumps
> and mailing lists, as well as on IRC. I don't think there's much more
> we can do. If people don't pay attention to any of those, then I
> can't see how much interest they actually have in their community.
> (of course, one could also put it up in the Sitenotice).
> Cary
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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