[Wiktionary-l] [Foundation-l] Divergent Wiktionary logos

Matthieu Barba matthieu_barba at yahoo.fr
Wed Mar 25 16:29:12 UTC 2009


I didn't like the new logo (and the way it was chosen), but we installed it
anyway on fr.wiktionary because we wanted to have a unified logo. If all the
Wiktionaries don't use it, it is useless.

I'd like to vote for a new logo, but the process should be better prepared
than last time.

Note on the scrabble thing: personally it's not the copyright with Hasbro
that bothered me. I just think that the logo should identify the project
("hey, it's the Wiktionary!") without reference to something else ("hey,
it's that dictionary that uses scrabble tiles!").

from fr.wiktionary

2009/3/25 Yann Forget <yann at forget-me.net>

> Elisabeth Anderl wrote:
> > Hello all, this is a very old and often discussed issue,
> > the problems raised with the logo were not yet addressed (such as
> copyright
> > issues, which characters to use), and the new 'logo' is IMHO the most
> ugly
> > thing I have ever seen.
> >
> > Btw.: from alexa.com:
> > Where people go on Wiktionary.org:
> >
> >    - en.wiktionary.org - 48.6% <- old logo
> >    - de.wiktionary.org - 12.8% <- old logo
> >    - fr.wiktionary.org - 9.7% <- new logo
> >    - ru.wiktionary.org - 3.6% <- old logo
> >    - es.wiktionary.org - 3.1% <- old logo
> >    - ja.wiktionary.org - 2.9% <- old logo
> >    - pl.wiktionary.org - 2.4% <- old logo
> >    - pt.wiktionary.org - 2.3% <- old logo
> >    - it.wiktionary.org - 1.6% <- new logo
> >    - el.wiktionary.org - 1.5% <- new logo
> >
> > Guess how many Wiktionarians apprently like the new logo...
> I didn't take part in the discussion and the vote, but this is a poor
> attempt to justify the old logo. People do not look at a web site like
> Wiktionary because of the logo.
> > Best regards, E.
> Regards,
> Yann
> --
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Matthieu Barba, doctorant première année
Evolution Moleculaire et Bioinformatique des Genomes
Institut de Genetique et Microbiologie, CNRS UMR 8621
Universite Paris Sud, Batiment 400
91405 Orsay Cedex, France
Tel : +33 1 69 15 35 62

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