[Wiktionary-l] [Wikipedia-l] Please check [[MediaWiki:Sitenotice]] on your project

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 10:26:49 UTC 2006

When messages are translated at the BetaWiki, it will be possible to 
translate them once and have these messages be promoted in the usual way 
and thereby have the translation available for ALL projects in the 
language that has the translation done in Betawiki.

The current way of localising MediaWiki is extremely inefficient because 
people do it for every project again while it only needs to be done 
once. It only needs to be done once well and the messages are available 
for MediaWiki itself.

Please do appreciate that I am not criticising the hard work that people 
put into localisation. When I see the effects of the lack of 
localisation in Wiktionary where I find that Wikipedia has already been 
localised, I find it tragic that so much more work is required. It is 
also tragic to see that Aphaia has to beg people to help with these 
important translations while the work would have been done already if 
the BetaWiki had been used in the first place.


Aphaia wrote:
> Hello all,
> now all active members of Wikimedia projects are invited to vote in
> the 2006 Election to the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia
> Foundation. After one week from the beginning, we have over 1,000
> votes. Thank you for your interest!
> On most projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, it is advertised at the
> top of website. On some projects, it hasn't yet. According my
> presumption 8-10% projects hasn't recognized now they are invited to
> give voices (see below).
> Hence, local sysops are highly expected to ensure their wiki to be
> informed this Election, and if not yet, please modify
> [[MediaWiki:Sitenotice]] and put a brief notice about it. If you are
> not a sysop but visit such a project frequently, please let the local
> sysops know about that.
> You may want to render meta version or other projects'.
> Here are some examples you can reuse:
> En:
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Sitenotice
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Sitenotice
> Fr:
> http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Sitenotice
> Es:
> http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Sitenotice
> Ru:
> http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Sitenotice
> Id:
> http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Sitenotice
> Zh:
> http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Sitenotice
> I found by chance  some projects not informed yet, and checked some
> projects including
> - 25 largest Wikipedias +1 I visited by chance; 3 Wikipedias lacked information
> -  5 large Wiktionaries; all had sitenotice
> - 3 relatively large Wikinews; all had sitenotice
> 3/31 = 10% projects had no news about Election; I feel unease with
> this result.  One of the reasons would be that they optimized the
> sitenotice for other purposes. In some projects, it was just only the
> former news (like Wikimania scholarship) remained. Anyway, there would
> be terra incognita from several reasons, which all of us are invited
> to develop to assure the integrity of our global community.

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