[WikiX-l] Table on "wikipedia" in many languages for t-shirt and slideshow

Steven Walling swalling at wikimedia.org
Mon Jan 31 10:04:25 UTC 2011

That is fantastic. :D

Sent from my mobile

----- Reply message -----
From: "Pharos" <pharosofalexandria at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 31, 2011 1:55 am
Subject: [WikiX-l] Table on "wikipedia" in many languages for t-shirt	and slideshow
To: "Planning for WP 10th anniversary" <wikix-l at lists.wikimedia.org>

User:HelloAnnyong actually researched and made this after coming to
our NYC party:



On 1/28/11, Neal McBurnett <neal at mcburnett.org> wrote:
> Great news - I look forward to seeing it!
> I have no idea if the source I noted at
>  http://az.wikipedikia.org/wiki/Vikipediya
> is right, but FWIW, based on the names there I count 99 unique
> spellings.  I've attached a list, sorted by the number of occurrences.
> Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 10:22:39AM -0800, Jay Walsh wrote:
>> It's really interesting that you bring this up, Neal.  David Peters
>> designed the shirt - a contract designer who has been working with WMF for
>> over a year now on a variety of projects.  He also developed the core
>> Wikipedia 10 concept design.
>> He was telling me the other day that he has A) found a handful more
>> scripts that weren't included in this design, and B) he's realized that he
>> hasn't provided a code-key to explain what all of the languages are, and
>> he's now working on a simple graphic to show the romanized/english variant
>> of each name, and it seems that it would make sense per your point to
>> include the abbreviated language designator of each too.
>> For the whole 250+ Wikipedias there are only about 60 different language
>> character variations of the wordmark.  The tagline 'the free encyclopedia'
>> is different and unique in virtually every language, but the wordmark
>> itself is not necessarily unique.
>> I'm not sure that's exactly what you were looking for, but I think it's a
>> step in that direction.
>> jay
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:09 PM, Neal McBurnett wrote:
>> > I'm fascinated by the Wikipedia t-shirt design, which I assume has the
>> > names of a few dozen wikipedias in the native languages:
>> >
>> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wikipedia-tshirt-languages.png
>> >
>> > I also was inspired by the slide show shared here earlier.  The
>> > wikipedia-images.zip file made it easy in that case to figure out
>> > which language each slide was in, since they seemingly were
>> > alphabetical by the iso code for the language (I think that's what it
>> > is), except for the first one which was 'en' for english.  I've
>> > included the list of codes from that slideshow below - some
>> > two-letter, some three-letter, some more.
>> >
>> > This prompts me to inquire about a nice compact file/table/database
>> > which would conveniently satisfy my many questions about each name,
>> > and could e.g. be used during the slide show to talk about each
>> > wikipedia:
>> >
>> > The country code for the language
>> > The english name for the language
>> > The name of the writing script in which it is written
>> > How to pronounce it (sound bite, ipa, etc)
>> > Link to the wikipedia
>> > Link to the entry on the stats page for the wikipedia
>> >
>> > etc. etc.
>> >
>> > I figure I can at least hope for a nice table somewhere of data on
>> > each wikipedia: country code, link etc. from which I could derive some
>> > of the rest.
>> >
>> > And a simple annotation of the t-shirt itself would be a fine place to
>> > start :)
>> >
>> > Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/
>> >
>> > en
>> > ab
>> > ace
>> > af
>> > ak
>> > als
>> > am
>> > ang
>> > an
>> > arc
>> > ar
>> > arz
>> > as
>> > ast
>> > av
>> > ay
>> > az
>> > ba
>> > bar
>> > bat-smg
>> > bcl
>> > be
>> > be-x-old
>> > bg
>> > bh
>> > bi
>> > bm
>> > bn
>> > bo
>> > bpy
>> > br
>> > bs
>> > bxr
>> > ca
>> > cbk-zam
>> > cdo
>> > ceb
>> > ce
>> > ch
>> > chr
>> > chy
>> > ckb
>> > co
>> > crh
>> > cr
>> > csb
>> > cs
>> > cv
>> > cy
>> > da
>> > de
>> > diq
>> > dsb
>> > dv
>> > dz
>> > ee
>> > el
>> > eml
>> > eo
>> > es
>> > et
>> > eu
>> > ext
>> > fa
>> > ff
>> > fi
>> > fiu-vro
>> > fj
>> > fo
>> > fr
>> > frp
>> > frr
>> > fur
>> > fy
>> > gan
>> > ga
>> > gd
>> > glk
>> > gl
>> > gn
>> > gu
>> > gv
>> > hak
>> > ha
>> > haw
>> > he
>> > hif
>> > hi
>> > hr
>> > hsb
>> > ht
>> > hu
>> > hy
>> > ia
>> > id
>> > ie
>> > ig
>> > ik
>> > ilo
>> > io
>> > is
>> > it
>> > iu
>> > ja
>> > jbo
>> > jv
>> > kaa
>> > kab
>> > ka
>> > kg
>> > ki
>> > kk
>> > kl
>> > km
>> > kn
>> > ko
>> > krc
>> > ksh
>> > ks
>> > ku
>> > kv
>> > kw
>> > ky
>> > lad
>> > la
>> > lbe
>> > lb
>> > lg
>> > lij
>> > li
>> > lmo
>> > ln
>> > lo
>> > lt
>> > lv
>> > map-bms
>> > mdf
>> > mg
>> > mhr
>> > mi
>> > mk
>> > ml
>> > mn
>> > mr
>> > ms
>> > mt
>> > mwl
>> > myv
>> > mzn
>> > nah
>> > na
>> > nap
>> > nds-nl
>> > nds
>> > ne
>> > new
>> > nl
>> > nn
>> > no
>> > nov
>> > nrm
>> > nv
>> > ny
>> > oc
>> > om
>> > or
>> > os
>> > pag
>> > pam
>> > pa
>> > pap
>> > pcd
>> > pdc
>> > pih
>> > pi
>> > pl2
>> > pl
>> > pms
>> > pnb
>> > pnt
>> > ps
>> > pt
>> > qu
>> > rm
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