[WikiX-l] Table on "wikipedia" in many languages for t-shirt and slideshow

Jay Walsh jwalsh at wikimedia.org
Fri Jan 28 18:22:39 UTC 2011

It's really interesting that you bring this up, Neal.  David Peters designed the shirt - a contract designer who has been working with WMF for over a year now on a variety of projects.  He also developed the core Wikipedia 10 concept design.

He was telling me the other day that he has A) found a handful more scripts that weren't included in this design, and B) he's realized that he hasn't provided a code-key to explain what all of the languages are, and he's now working on a simple graphic to show the romanized/english variant of each name, and it seems that it would make sense per your point to include the abbreviated language designator of each too.

For the whole 250+ Wikipedias there are only about 60 different language character variations of the wordmark.  The tagline 'the free encyclopedia' is different and unique in virtually every language, but the wordmark itself is not necessarily unique.

I'm not sure that's exactly what you were looking for, but I think it's a step in that direction.


On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:09 PM, Neal McBurnett wrote:

> I'm fascinated by the Wikipedia t-shirt design, which I assume has the
> names of a few dozen wikipedias in the native languages:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wikipedia-tshirt-languages.png
> I also was inspired by the slide show shared here earlier.  The
> wikipedia-images.zip file made it easy in that case to figure out
> which language each slide was in, since they seemingly were
> alphabetical by the iso code for the language (I think that's what it
> is), except for the first one which was 'en' for english.  I've
> included the list of codes from that slideshow below - some
> two-letter, some three-letter, some more.
> This prompts me to inquire about a nice compact file/table/database
> which would conveniently satisfy my many questions about each name,
> and could e.g. be used during the slide show to talk about each
> wikipedia:
> The country code for the language
> The english name for the language
> The name of the writing script in which it is written
> How to pronounce it (sound bite, ipa, etc)
> Link to the wikipedia
> Link to the entry on the stats page for the wikipedia
> etc. etc.
> I figure I can at least hope for a nice table somewhere of data on
> each wikipedia: country code, link etc. from which I could derive some
> of the rest.
> And a simple annotation of the t-shirt itself would be a fine place to
> start :)
> Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/
> en
> ab
> ace
> af
> ak
> als
> am
> ang
> an
> arc
> ar
> arz
> as
> ast
> av
> ay
> az
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> bar
> bat-smg
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> be
> be-x-old
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> bh
> bi
> bm
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> bo
> bpy
> br
> bs
> bxr
> ca
> cbk-zam
> cdo
> ceb
> ce
> ch
> chr
> chy
> ckb
> co
> crh
> cr
> csb
> cs
> cv
> cy
> da
> de
> diq
> dsb
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> dz
> ee
> el
> eml
> eo
> es
> et
> eu
> ext
> fa
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> fiu-vro
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> frp
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> gv
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> hif
> hi
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> hsb
> ht
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> hy
> ia
> id
> ie
> ig
> ik
> ilo
> io
> is
> it
> iu
> ja
> jbo
> jv
> kaa
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> ki
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> km
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> ky
> lad
> la
> lbe
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> lij
> li
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> lt
> lv
> map-bms
> mdf
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> mwl
> myv
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> new
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> or
> os
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> pt
> qu
> rm
> rmy
> roa-rup
> roa-tara
> ro
> ru
> rw
> sah
> sa
> scn
> sco
> sc
> sd
> se
> sg
> sh
> simple
> si
> sk
> sl
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> sn
> so
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> stq
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> sv
> sw
> szl
> ta
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> tet
> tg
> th
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> tk
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> to
> tpi
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> vls
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> wa
> war
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> wuu
> xal
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> yi
> yo
> za
> zea
> zh-classical
> zh-min-nan
> zh
> zh-yue
> zu
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Jay Walsh
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