[WikiX-l] Bonjour - From Tlemcen,Algeria

Ayoub ELADRAOUI communication.ayoub at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 12:14:07 UTC 2011

Hello, Wikipedians

the same request from Morocco, we can create a Real Event here in Rabat the
Capital, with Press support
and we won't organise that event by Sponsoring (it's possible on here), we
need just Goodies from you, then we'll get a local for that ( a University
or a School), we'll make a Cake as other contries, and we can film that too.

The ideas about the W10 anniversary:
- Celebrate the 10th Anniversary
- Raise Awareness around princples of sharing information : Ex Wiki
I- nsipire youth to use internet in order to share information about their
ciltures and heritages

Please, any answer ?

(Here in Morocco we talk Arab, and French)


Peace to you
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