[WikiX-l] Fwd: Wikipedia Anniversary in Rabat, Morocco

Ayoub ELADRAOUI communication.ayoub at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 13:27:00 UTC 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ayoub ELADRAOUI <communication.ayoub at gmail.com>
Date: 2011/1/13
Subject: Wikipedia Anniversary in Rabat, Morocco
To: jwales at wikia-inc.com

Dear Mr Wales,

I am writing you concerning the 10th Anniversary of Wikipedia that we would
like to host in the Capital of Morocco, Rabat.
Below are some infrormation about the event and the organisers:

*What ? *
Discussion on Wikipidea 10 years for the liberty of information
*Format : *
Presentation & Round Table,
*Organisers :*
JCI <http://www.jci.cc/> Rabat (Jeune Chambre Internationale, UN)
AMEC <http://www.facebook.com/AMEC.ma> (Morccan Association of
Communication's Students)
Moroccan Bloggers
*When :*
between end Jan and Beginning february

Celebrate the 10th Anniversary
Raise Awareness around princples of sharing information : Ex Wiki
Insipire youth to use internet in order to share information about their
ciltures and heritages

ESIG ( A school in Rabat)

and we'll take pro-pictures, and maybe a video of the event

The Request:
Is there a possibility to recieve the Wikipedia's promotional goodies ?

Thanks a lot in advance

For the Comittee:
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