[WikiX-l] My availability on the 15th of January

Jimmy Wales jwales at wikia-inc.com
Tue Jan 11 04:37:07 UTC 2011

On 1/7/11 6:43 PM, Slobodan Jakoski wrote:
> Dear Jimmy,
> We're organizing a mini-conference/party here in Skopje, Macedonia
> <http://ten.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Skopje/en&uselang=en>. I'll
> check the place, but I don't think we will have a stable internet
> access. As an alternative, it would be really awesome and inspiring if
> we could show your presentation at Wikimania 2010 about small language
> Wikipedias. You might remember that you interviewed a Macedonian (well,
> me :)), so it would add a nice touch to the event. I don't know if the
> video is edited and ready for screening?

That would be cool, yes, but I have no idea if my 2010 Wikimania talk is 
available anywhere. :)

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