[WikiX-l] My availability on the 15th of January

Jimmy Wales jwales at wikia-inc.com
Fri Jan 7 02:09:38 UTC 2011

On the 15th of January, I would like to make myself available for a 
short video conference with as many local celebrations as want me to 
join in some way.  Big or small.  If it's 3 people in a coffee shop in 
Tajikistan, I'd love to say hi.  If it's 100 people at a party or 
conference, I'd love to say hi.

 From a logistics point of view, the easiest thing for everyone is 
probably Skype, but if anyone wants to suggest a free software 
alternative, I'm happy with that as well.

I will be in London with decent but not super awesome connection speed. 
  Time zone doesn't really matter, I can get up in the middle of the 
night and go back to bed afterwards. :)

In terms of process, I would propose that we start a page on the ten 
wiki where local organizers can post requests, and then Topher and I 
will study it and contact people for more details.


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