[WikiX-l] Fwd: [Wikimediauk-l] Editathon at the British Library, 14-15 January

Michael Peel email at mikepeel.net
Sun Jan 2 21:38:34 UTC 2011

Hi all,

FYI, Wikimedia UK's running an 'edit-athon' at the British Library, London, on the 14th-15th January - more info is in the email below, and online at:

We're also running a talk by Jimmy Wales in Bristol on the 13th Jan:
There will be around 650-700 people attending, and will also be live streamed at:
It's being sponsored by HP Labs, Watershed, University of Bristol, Bristol Festival of Ideas and the BBC Anchor Project.

Mike Peel
Wikimedia UK

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Michael Peel <michael.peel at wikimedia.org.uk>
> Date: 29 December 2010 15:48:32 GMT
> To: wikimediauk-l at lists.wikimedia.org
> Subject: [Wikimediauk-l] Editathon at the British Library, 14-15 January
> Reply-To: wikimediauk-l at lists.wikimedia.org
> Hi all,
> I'm delighted to be able to announce that we'll be running an 'editathon' at the British Library on Friday the 14th and Saturday the 15th January! I've put the details about the event up on the wiki at:
> http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Editathon,_British_Library
> If you can come, please sign up there. Please note that the details are still preliminary and may change. I'll be adding more info to the wiki page as I get it.
> A couple of key points:
> - Some British Library curators will be available on the Friday - if there are specific topics that you are interested in, then please let us know on the webpage so that we can make sure whether the appropriate curators will be coming or not. Sadly, we probably won't have many (any?) curators on the Saturday due to it not being a work day.
> - We're limited to around 20 people in the room at once, so it'll be first come, first served (with priority for Wikimedia UK members). We can overflow a bit into the reader rooms, but you'll need a reader pass to gain access to those rooms (info on how to pre-register for one of these is on the wiki page). You may also need a readers pass to be able to access the British Library's resources in general - I'm checking this with them at the moment.
> If you have any questions, please let me know - either directly, on this list, or on the wiki.
> Thanks,
> Mike
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