[Wikivideo-l] Size and bitrate

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Thu Feb 17 19:54:04 UTC 2011

On 02/17/2011 06:19 PM, George Chriss wrote:
> Hi Lars,
> A cursory look suggests the problem originates in Firefox's internal
> decoding, even using the most-recent nightly builds.  Furthermore, the
> problem only is apparent when the video is played from within a Commons
> page ( http://is.gd/mWpoap ); viewing the video directly works just fine (
> http://is.gd/gn0BEr ).

The previous version of the same film (with a slightly
higher bitrate) hangs during playback for me, even
from that kind of URL,

This happens more often if other programs are running
in the background, so apparently its a competition
between available CPU power and bitrate, that makes
Firefox go into deadlock. It doesn't "degrade gracefully".

I tried to submit a "support question" on mozilla.org
yesterday, but today I can't find my question there.
I don't know how that is supposed to work.

I made a poll at the Swedish Wikipedia village pump,

All videos work fine: 6 users, running either
Firefox 3.6.13 on MacOS or RedHat Linux,
Firefox 4.0 beta on Windows, Chrome on Linux
or Windows.

Very few videos have problems: 2 users running
Firefox 3.6.13 on Windows Vista.

Many videos have problems: 4 users running
Firefox 3.6.13 on Ubuntu Linux, IE 8 on Windows 7,
Chrome on Windows 7.

No videos work: 3 users running either
Safari on Mac or IE 8 on Windows Vista.

   Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
   Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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