[Wikitext-l] [Wikitech-l] Welcoming Gabriel Wicke

Sumana Harihareswara sumanah at wikimedia.org
Tue Oct 25 13:52:42 UTC 2011

Welcome, Gabriel.  I'm looking forward to working with you, and to
seeing you posting on the parser/visual editor list about our progress
on that very important endeavor!  cc'ing the parser list (wikitext-l).

Sumana Harihareswara
Volunteer Development Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 1:22 AM, Alolita Sharma <asharma at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Please join me in welcoming Gabriel Wicke as a Software Developer in
> WMF’s Features Engineering team.  Gabriel will be working on the
> Visual Editor - Parser project, one of Wikimedia’s high priority
> projects this year. He will be working closely with our guru Brion
> Vibber on extending the parser to support WikiDom interactions with
> the Visual Editor client being developed by lead engineer Trevor
> Parscal, Wikia developer Inez Korczyński and front-end developer Neil
> Kandalgaonkar.
> As many of you may already know, Gabriel has been member of the
> Wikipedia community for many years now. He discovered Wikipedia in
> 2003, when it was still running on two servers. Using his previous
> experience with Squid caching, he got involved in technical
> discussions and hacking. In 2004, Gabriel designed and implemented the
> initial Squid caching layer, and later wrote the MonoBook skin.
> After completing his Computer Science degree and doing research in
> transactional distributed systems and Haskell, Gabriel is looking
> forward to more practical challenges at Wikimedia.
> Gabriel is an avid sportsman and professional sailor. When he’s not in
> front of a computer coding away, he is often sailing on his own or
> with friends. He was a member of the German national team in the
> Olympic 49er class from 2001-2008, and is now racing an A-Class
> catamaran. Pretty awesome!
> Say hello to Gabriel online. He can be found on #mediawiki as gwicke.
> Welcome back Gabriel! Great to have you on the Wikimedia Features team :-)
> Alolita
> --
> Alolita Sharma
> Director, Features Engineering
> Wikimedia Foundation
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