[Wikitext-l] MediaWiki parser in Python

Peter17 peter017 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 23:14:26 UTC 2011

Dear all,

I have recently subscribed to this list and I wanted to introduce myself.

I have been working as a student on the 2011 edition of the Google
Summer of Code on a MediaWiki parser [1] for the Mozilla Foundation.
My mentor is Erik Rose.

For this purpose, we use a Python PEG parser called Pijnu [2] and
implement a grammar for it [3]. This way, we parse the wikitext into
an abstract syntax tree that we will then transform to HTML or other

One of the advantages of Pijnu is the simplicity and readability of
the grammar definition [3]. It is not finished yet, but what we have
done so far seems very promising.

Please don't hesitate to give advice of feedback, or even test it if you wish!

Best regards

[1] https://github.com/peter17/mediawiki-parser
[2] https://github.com/peter17/pijnu
[3] https://github.com/peter17/mediawiki-parser/blob/master/mediawiki.pijnu

Peter Potrowl

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