[Wikitext-l] Image grammar

Jay R. Ashworth jra at baylink.com
Sat Nov 17 14:23:46 UTC 2007

On Sat, Nov 17, 2007 at 04:29:16PM +1100, Steve Bennett wrote:
>    I really think writing the grammar in ANTLR is our best bet at this point.
>    Advantages:
>    1) We're talking about actual, parseable grammar in an actual syntax, rather
>    than the half-arsed EBNF/BNF we've done so far.
>    2) We can use ANTLRWorks to play with the grammar, visualise it etc.
>    3) One of the goals is to allow 3rd party parsers to
>    generate code in a variety of languages. ANTLR already has 5 code targets an
>    d more (perhaps including PHP) are on the way.
>    Downsides:
>    1) ANTLR can't yet generate a parser in PHP. However, there may exist
>    Java->PHP or C->PHP translators or something.

But: if it can produce a parser in *any* langauge, then we have
something to run the test suite against, with a little harness
rewiring, which makes it easier to sell both the retargeting work and
the switch-MW-to-this work.

PS: could you find your mailer's HTML knob and turn it off?

PPS: thanks for running with this; I think it's going to turn out well.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                   Baylink                      jra at baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com                     '87 e24
St Petersburg FL USA      http://photo.imageinc.us             +1 727 647 1274

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