[Wikitech-l] SQLite Mediawiki support

Jefsey jefsey at jefsey.com
Tue Sep 27 18:37:34 UTC 2016

At 00:36 27/09/2016, Brian Wolff wrote:
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64Mediawiki supports sqlite. And you 
>can pretty much use with any webserver -
>so are you basically asking for an installer? Some sort of xulrunner-esque
>thing so the interface doesnt look like a web browser?

I did not know XULetc... So, some parts could be related. Actually 
the need I have is quite opposite to mediawiki but with the same 
tools: not to support a community with common knowledge, but to 
support a single/a small group of users/authors, with sustainable 
knowledge, i.e. texts I can consantly augment and update, so I can 
structure my "mneme" and build upon it, for me, for others. The key 
issue seems to be individual (wikilite) versus community mneme (wikipedia)

I need the wikipedia proven tools and practices under the form of a 
compact and robuts system I can rely upon and run on my different 
machines through my dropbox directory (the way I actually use the 
same wiki on three machines). However, the difficulty are :

1. mediawiki is not documented in that perspective for technically 
agnostic end-users
2. some of the php tools are not complete for SQLite
3. installation of a new wikilite is still complex and long, I would 
like to be able to install 30 different ones in one minute for a 
group of students, with pre-entered pages, forms, docs,mailing lists, etc.
4. a review of extensions into that perspective - introduced as 
perpetual off-the-shelve part of the experience.
5. farming management and updates (I run around 200 wikilites using 
symlinks for the current release, each in its own directory)
6. I would like to develop specialized bots for content management 
and interfacing, etc. that do not necessarily make sense in broad uses.

What I would like to get is an end-user oriented (extension and bot 
included) documentation anyone can read, understand and use. Yes, an 
installation and maintenance tool, with various types of use 
configurations,  Then a clear documentation of the maintenance and 
extension tools with quality control and support. To become an 
end-user textbase++ system, consultants should be available and 
turn-click deliveries available (home and in the cloud).

Thx for suggestions.

>On Monday, September 26, 2016, Jefsey <jefsey at jefsey.com> wrote:
> > The personal way I am using wikimedia as an SQLite textbase I can easily
>copy/backup from machine to machine and modifiy through external bundled
>applications leads me to consider there is a need for a wikimedia user 100%
>compatible "WIKILite" integrated/maintained solution set.
> >
>K€ has something like that been investigated in the past?
>  2. I would be interested by comments on the idea?
> > 3. also about the approach that can best help users and possibly
>wikimedia dévelopment‚ˆH›ÝH]\ÈH™]ÛܚÙ@d individual/professionnal I 
>am interested in
>multi-agent oriented interwares and would like to investigate "wikilite"
>networking capabilities (both about what networked architectures could
>bring, and aboout capacity based content security/protection).
> >
> > Thank you for your attention.
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