[Wikitech-l] Fancy AJAX MediaWiki code reference

Tei oscar.vives at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 10:38:22 UTC 2008

On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 12:17 PM, Andrew Garrett <andrew at epstone.net> wrote:
> I thought this might be useful to some people who constantly grep
> through the code to find out the arguments to a function.
> The site is available at:
> <http://mwref.werdn.us>
> The source code for the Perl script, and the website, is available in
> the 'mwref' directory on my git repository. Patches are most welcome!
> <http://gitweb.werdn.us/?p=scripts/.git;a=summary> (web interface)
> <git://werdn.us/scripts/> (git repository)
> A database dump of the extracted function data is available to
> download (~1 MB) from my server:
> <http://werdn.us/~andrew/mw_reference.sql.gz>

Is great!.

But maybe you can make so clicking on the function name open the body.
Now you have to look to the right colum figure what is the correct
[show function] link.

ℱin del ℳensaje.

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