I know a lot of people would love wysiwyg editing functionality, I know a lot of people on this list are working on such a thing, and I know that a problem seems to be the "grammar" involved. I heard on the grapevine that, on this basis, it was "at least a year away". I don't want to know the specifics of what that grammar is, or what its problems are. :-) But what I'd like to know is:
* Would this issue be solved quicker by having a few funded developers working on it? (If so, how many wo/man hours would be needed - what size of a funding bid would be needed?) * What does the fckeditor in existence *not* do yet? < http://mediawiki.fckeditor.net%3E (If the answer is: "too much - it only does a tiny handful of things compared to what we need" - well then, that answers my question. :-))
If you haven't already surmised, this question is from a technical dunce - answers at that level would be greatly appreciated. :-)