VasilievVV a écrit :
Why I think this should be WONTFIXed? I still can't see any way how this would be implemented, considering problem that interwikis and categories can be included from templates. --VasilievVV
There are two types of interwikis:
* Internals
They are used to link to an article in a different language and appear in the interwiki toolbox. The way it is done now (including the link in the article text) can be migrated to articles metadata. It is simply a matter of adding a new table and another one to keep history. The tricky part is migrating the metadata from inline text to a database table.
* externals Those are just shortcuts for externals links (ex: [[youtube:QSZE3M]]). This is a w3c draft named 'curie' : We could also drop support for the 'ISBN' and 'RFC' keywords while we are it.
Categories could also be added as metadata, it will solve a ton of issues and get ride of revisions spam. When used in templates, one should be able to mark the category as includable or not includable.