Simetrical <Simetrical+wikilist@...> writes:
On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Aerik Sylvan <aerik@...> wrote:
So, I'm still compiler impaired (I guess I need to actually learn about compiling and linking and stuff, and not just writing code), but I managed to get a CLucene based (Lucene in C++) search set up which you can test here:
Uses underscores instead of spaces in a category name.
"Completed in -0.799299 seconds"? I think something is wrong with your logic for that bit. :) What's the second column? Relevancy? I seem to mostly be getting either 0.0 or something like "-9223372036854775808.-922337203685477580".
One fairly important question as far as the backend goes is how to do sorting and limiting. "Relevancy" sorts aren't necessarily very, well, relevant here. Ideally we'd like to mimic the category page view as far as sorting and pagination goes, I assume. Does that look possible?
What query did you run that got "Completed in -0.799299 seconds"? So far, I don't have any results like that...
Yes, the second number is the lucene "score" which I agree probably isn't relevant for our purposes. Let me quickly state that I did not publish this as any kind of final product, but merely a demonstration of the speed of one possible approach, using real data. I can see already we'd need to tweak the query parser for our purposes too.