Hi All,
So, I'm still compiler impaired (I guess I need to actually learn about compiling and linking and stuff, and not just writing code), but I managed to get a CLucene based (Lucene in C++) search set up which you can test here:
Uses underscores instead of spaces in a category name.
It passes the query to the CLucene executable and then displays the raw results, as well as calculate an overall processing time. Eventually I want to evolve this into a daemon where you send commands and queries to the indexing daemon (I'm thinking of doing it simply in terms of POSTs and GETs).
ANYWAY, try it out. It doesn't return the actual page, it returns the cl_from key from the categorylinks table. I also have a fulltext MySQL index set up and if anyone is interested in doing comparisons I'll throw up a page for querying that too.
Just a note: it looks like the queryparser breaks up dates, but I'm guessing it did that when it made the index too.... try a search for '1969_Births' for example.
Best Regarsds, Aerik