On 8/28/06, Nick Jenkins nickpj@gmail.com wrote:
Maybe wikicharts already has this (if it does, I apologize), and maybe it doesn't, but I occasionally enjoy glancing at Google's Zeitgeist page ( http://www.google.com/press/zeitgeist.html ) to get a sense of what other people are clicking (i.e. rather than an absolute number of views, it shows what's topical, presumably based on a formula that combines of number of page views together with a percentage increase, to see filter for things that are both topical and of general interest). Would something like this maybe be possible for wikicharts, so as to get a weekly "Wikipedia Zeitgeist" to see what's hot?
I was thinking that too. Probably easy to do, simply by analysing the logs for the last week rather than all time, or whatever.
(notices that United States has finally made it into the top ten, overtaking List of gay porn stars...)