Just found this: http://www.socialtext.com/node/90
this: http://ross.typepad.com/blog/2006/08/jimmy_wales_kic.html
and this: http://wikiwyg.wikia.com/
Wikiwyg is a joint venture between Socialtext and Wikia to bring WYSIWYG to MediaWiki.. Release date uncertain, but both wikia and Socialtext are devoting full time development resources towards it. My anticipation is that this is a big part of wiki editing and free culture. My friend who when to Harvard to study Chinese history spent the last 16 years looking at the 8th century. Read about Wikipedia and was excited to contribute. Looked up articles on what she knew (read like an elderly chinese man in san francisco who loved the old poets). She never edited. She clicked on edit and saw some scary markup. Some think this was a good thing, a barrier to entry, but it keeps out some smart people, and it doesn't keep out idiots (they are highly motivated). Wikiwyg, in some shape or form is the future of the internet.