On Thursday 01 July 2004 18:04, Tony wrote:
I pointed out (elsewhere) that thumbnail image quality is better when the rescale uses an exact even number. (50%, 33.3%, etc.). (Not under all circumstances, by the way. It depends of the resolution of the source image. In general, the larger the original the less it matters.)
Magnus proposed that the software generate a thumbnail *close* to the requested size (and thus preserve as much image quality as possible, at the cost of producing (e.g.) a 213px rather than a 200px thumb.
Erik said please don't do it as it would break many layouts.
As I said, specifying image width to 200 in HTML will show an image 200 pixels wide even if the image in the file is 213 pixels wide.
OTOH, browsers actually achieve that by re-scaling the image; it might end up with the same problem but now at the client side.