There's been calls for footnotes [[m:Footnotes]], and it is an ability that I've wanted for my own wiki for a while, so I hacked up some changes to Parser.php and Skin.php (from CVS about three weeks ago). I used the formatHeading function as a template and I am not even a PHP novice, but the code works okay.
I used [note:foo] as the syntax. There are, I'm sure better choices.
Known issues * When you have section editing turned on, you can click on editing the Notes section. You shouldn't be able to do that because there is nothing really there. * Double quotes in the note break the hovering behavior of the in text reference
Thanks for MediaWiki!
-Forest Gregg
$text = preg_replace( '/(^|\n)-----*/', '\1<hr />', $text );
+ $text = $this->formatFootnotes( $text );
$text = $this->doHeadings( $text );
/* * * This function accomplishes several tasks: * 1) Auto-number footnotes * 3) Add a Notes section on the bottom * 4) Auto-anchor footnotes * * It loops through all footnotes, collects the necessary data, then * splits up the * string and re-inserts the newly formatted headlines. * */ /* private */ function formatFootnotes( $text, $isMain=true ) {
# numMatches is only used to test if there are footnotes, #should be better way $numMatches = preg_match_all( '/[note:(.*?)]/i', $text, $matches );
#check if there are any notes if ($numMatches) {
# To perform operations on the HTML $sk =& $this->mOptions->getSkin();
#footnote counter $footnoteCount = 0;
foreach ( $matches[1] as $footnote ) { $footnoteCount = $footnoteCount + 1;
#format notes that appear in bottom note section $footnotes .= $sk->footLine($footnoteCount, $footnote);
#format footnote and hold it in refer $refer[$footnoteCount] = $sk->footNum($footnoteCount, $footnote); }
#format endnotes section $footnotes = $sk->endNotes($footnotes);
$blocks = preg_split( '/[note:(.*?)]/i', $text ); $i = 0;
foreach( $blocks as $block ) { $full .= $block;
if( !empty( $refer[$i+1] ) ) { $full .= $refer[$i+1]; } $i++; }
$full .= '<br />'.$footnotes; return $full; } else { return $text; } }
function footLine( $number, $footnote ) { $foot = '<a name="endnote'.$number.'" id="endnote'.$number.'" title="Return to text"></a><a href="#note'.$number.'">'.$number.'.</a> '.$footnote.'<br />'; return $foot; }
function footNum( $number, $footnote ) { return '<a name="note'.$number.'"id="note'.$number.'"></a><sup><a href="#endnote'.$number.'" title="'.$footnote.'">'.$number.'</a></sup>'; }
function endNotes ( $footnotes ) { return
"\n". '==Notes==' ."\n". $footnotes; }