Le Fri, 17 Aug 2012 14:51:42 +0200, Marc Galli marc.galli35@orange.fr a écrit:
Le 17/08/2012 12:57, Andrea Zanni a écrit :
I would also think that these critical editions would be for just few texts, compared to the thousand of printed texts Wikisource provides. And, of you think about, "neutrality" does not exists neither in our proofreading work, there is always interpretatation (of course, there are shades and proofreading an ancient manuscript is different to proofreading a XX centurt printed document). [...] Aubrey
The comparison with proofreading is irrelevant, because when you proofread a text, you follow a edition, and you do not choose what is the text. If you choose (variantes for exemple), then you are doing a critical edition. But with what criteres ? If the contributors establish texts, then Wikisource is a scientific editor. This will be as if wikipedians claim that wikipedia's articles are exactly like scientifical articles published with peer-review. But they do not claim this. In the same way, Wikisource is not a scientific editor. If we pretend that Wikisource publishes critical editions, in reality we will have some texts publish for some reasons by some unknow contributors on some wiki.
(I’m only an occasional contributor, so perhaps I miss some subtleties.)
I have the sensation we don’t have the same definition about what is a "critical edition", at least about from what degree of difference to the "original" version some edition become a "critical" edition.
On the French WS there are some minor corrections I personally don’t consider as "too major" to qualify these of critical edition: - modernized (but not too much) version, e.g. the replacement of long S (ſ) by a modern S (s) (see e.g. [1] there is a gadget on the left column to change that: Options d’affichage > Texte modernisé) -- I have more concerns about rewritings of Ancient French to modern French and I even have concerns about rewritings of old spellings to modern spellings (e.g. in [1] a modern version could replace "toy" by "toi"), I don’t know the opinion/policies of the French community about that - very very obvious spelling mistakes (mostly typography errors I guess); there is a template on fr.ws for that
[1] https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Le_Loup_et_l%E2%80%99Agneau