[Wikisource-l] Creation of new wikisources

Birgitte SB birgitte_sb at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 3 00:18:06 UTC 2006

--- Jens Frank <jf at mormo.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> the following wikisources have been created:
> ** http://ang.wikisource.org/

I did not realize there was a proposal for this.  It
seems to me very inefficient as these texts belong at
en.wikisource.  Especially with the ability that will
be available with section transcultions to build
comparative texts.  En will definately need it's own
local copies to do that.  I actually was just arguing
against this very thing in regards to a grc.wikisource
forking from el at meta.  I will not repeat all I said
here but it applies equally. 


Birgitte SB

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