[Wikiquality-l] Flagged Revisions too intrusive

ulim ulim at mayring.de
Mon Sep 24 07:57:44 UTC 2007

--- "Gregory Maxwell" <gmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think it
> is widely believed that mark as patrol failed for most projects
> because it was only a marker that didn't actually do anything
> important so nothing encourages people to keep up with it. The
> flagging system solves that issue by influencing the default page view
> for the public... something most Wikipedians will care a lot about.

Which is precisely why I think it is unwise to force this feature onto the
communities in this way. Flagging is a feature (although a superflous one, as
we already have enough ways to flag an article), but not showing the most
current version to anonymous readers is a policy change.

I guess there are some articles, where vandalism is a huge problem and it
might be alleviated with flagged revisions. But an easier and less intrusive
way would be to just disable anonymous editing on these pages. And for 99% of
all articles vandalism is occasional and easily dealt with.


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