[Wikipedia-l] Infoboxes doubts

Stefan Kühn kuehn-s at gmx.net
Wed Jan 2 19:37:01 UTC 2008

Hi Gustavo,

do you know: Templatetiger?
This project read articles from the main languages and extract all 
templates from the row text. So we can use this information in a database.

Read more: 


Gustavo García schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I'm researching how to extract wikipedia information to show it in other
> ways (visually).  I would like to use some kind of metadata to avoid
> extracting information from the raw text itself, so my first idea is to use
> infoboxes fields.  I have come out with these comments and questions:
> * Infoboxes could use some kind of hierarchy to avoid naming differently the
> same concept.  For ex. president.birth_date or Musical_Artist.Born could
> inherit from Person and reuse Person.birth_date to avoid inconsistencies.
> * Infoboxes could allow some kind of relationships between them to show
> relations like "region subpart-of country" or "monarch king-of country".
> * What is the relation between Infoboxes and web microformats? IMHO
> wikipedia should reuse microformats formats and conventions as much as
> possible, only expand them when needed and export pages as microformats when
> possible.
> Thanks in advance for any comment and information about these topics.
> BR,
> G.
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Stefan Kühn
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