[Wikipedia-l] Localization of interwiki bot

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Tue May 29 08:34:17 UTC 2007

Recently I got a request to not use Russian but Ukrainian text for the
summaries of the interwiki bot at the Ukrainian Wikipedia. This has
now been done, but I can imagine there are more languages that would
like to have their own language, or perhaps another choice of
alternative language than the one I have made. If you want summaries
in your own language on your Wikipedia for the bot, please send me a
message with these summaries.

The following languages already have translations:

Of the other languages, the language used for the summaries is:
Arabic is used by ku,so
German is used by als,bar,hsb,lb
Esperanto is used by io,nov
Spanish is used by an,ast,ay,ceb,gl,gn,lad,nah,pag,qu,tl,war
Farsi is used by glk
French is used by co,frp,ht,ie,kab,ln,lo,nrm,oc,vi,wa
Hebrew is used by yi
Croatian is used by bs,mk,sh
Italian is used by eml,lij,lmo,nap,pms,rm,roa-tara,sc,scn,vec
Lithuanian is used by bat-smg
Dutch is used by fy,li,pap,vls,zea
Norse (bokmal) is used by se
Portuguese is used by tet
Romanian is used by mo,roa-rup
Russian is used by av,be,be-x-old,bxr,cv,got,hy,kk,ky,lbe,ru-sib,tk,tt,udm,xal

All languages not mentioned in the above use English.

If you want a localization in your language, please send me the
replacements for the texts "robot", "Adding", "Removing" and
"Modifying". If there is no local replacement needed, but you do think
that you would do better with some other language, just state which
(if any) language(s) should be preferred to English.

Andre Engels, andreengels at gmail.com
ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

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