[Wikipedia-l] Looking to interview Wikipedians

Cormac Lawler cormaggio at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 17:56:12 UTC 2007

On 3/22/07, GerardM <gerard.meijssen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hoi,
> When this study hits the Washington Post and we look at it and consider it a
> bunch of lies, we are to blame when we did not speak up when we had the
> chance to do so.
> When you consider peer review, it is always done after the fact. It is much
> better to have input before a study is started. Those issues that are
> obvious can be addressed before time and money is wasted. It also leads to
> better science.
> If there is one study I would like to see done, is a wikipedia with a large
> ex-pat community and see how that affects the NPOV of the project.
> Thanks,
>     Gerard

Calling a study "a bunch of lies" before it's even been carried out is
very bad faith. It's absolutely fine to question methodology - but we
need to be friendly as well as critical - and I hope Benjamin has been
inspired rather than turned off by the many comments and questions on
these lists. I've been meaning to comment myself, but Phoebe's just
said pretty much everything I was going to say. :-)


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