[Wikipedia-l] Looking to interview Wikipedians

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 16:19:50 UTC 2007

It sounds good only when the bias towards Wikipedia and the US is 
intentional. It sounds good when it will be explicitly mentioned it the 
paper that is to be produced as a result. This paper will not reflect 
Wikipedia not even the English version of it.

Steve schreef:
> Sounds good.
> Stephen Yeago
> 312 279 6769
> On 3/20/07, Benjamin Keith Johnson <john2429 at msu.edu> wrote:
>> I am a researcher seeking to interview Wikipedia contributors of any and all
>> levels of experience and involvement.  In-depth, one hour interviews will be
>> conducted over the phone or email beginning March 27.  Compensation for your
>> time will be provided – a $10 gift certificate to Amazon.com.  Must be 18+
>> and U.S. resident.  Contact Benjamin Johnson, Department of
>> Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media, Michigan State University,
>> by email at john2429 at msu.edu or by phone at 517.230.1272.
>> Thanks!
>> Benjamin

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