[Wikipedia-l] Look Who's Using Wikipedia

Jake Nelson duskwave at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 19:03:21 UTC 2007

On 3/7/07, Frederick Noronha <fred at bytesforall.org> wrote:
> Could someone hazard a guess on which areas the Wikipedia is strong
> in, and which areas it is still lacking? FN

Strong: detailed, accurate, advanced science articles (but see below).
US geography, cities, etc. are amazingly well-covered, beyond the base
Rambot articles (which themselves are a great resource).
Good coverage of current events, popular culture.

Weak: Major companies, primarily those in specialized fields, often
completely lack articles.
Many math and science articles are incomprehensible to most laypeople.
Locations and events in non-English-speaking countries tend to have
very little information, or it's badly out of date (in some cases, by
a few centuries).
Subjects from across all topics not covered due to "non-notability".

-- Jake Nelson
[[en:User:Jake Nelson]]

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