[Wikipedia-l] Look Who's Using Wikipedia

Marco Chiesa chiesa.marco at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 17:32:41 UTC 2007

On 3/7/07, Frederick Noronha <fred at bytesforall.org> wrote:
> Could someone hazard a guess on which areas the Wikipedia is strong
> in, and which areas it is still lacking? FN
> I think Wikipedia is really strong in some pop culture niches (yes,
Pokemon may be one of that) and is weaker in some more scholarly subjects.
But this varies from project to project and from topic to topic. There are
articles which are the most complete essay ever written on the topic, there
are articles that simply suck. Uniformity is something we're weak (basically
people write about what they know and/or care about). We are strong in
correcting factual mistakes, we are weak because we cannot guarantee if what
we say is correct. We are strong because we give access to basic information
of very many things to a huge lot of people, and for most of them we offer
enough. We're far from being perfect, there's a lot to improve, but we're
good at it.


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