[Wikipedia-l] Don't waste your vote!

Søren Kiersted wisewisard at googlemail.com
Sat Jun 30 23:29:39 UTC 2007

On 6/30/07, Angela <beesley at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7/1/07, Søren Kiersted <wisewisard at googlemail.com> wrote:
> ...
> > There are three seats open. When you make your three choices...
> You don't have to make three choices. It's approval voting, so you can
> vote for as many people as you like. If you're concerned about one bad
> person being on the board, you can vote for everyone else, not just
> the three you think can win.

Then your vote is diluted and carries less power to keep someone off,
since many of the choices have no chance of winning.  If you select
only the most popular who are not bad your vote stayed focused.

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