[Wikipedia-l] school articles : enough

Berto 'd Sera albertoserra at ukr.net
Sun Jan 28 20:56:34 UTC 2007


> My observation would be that it is exactly the publicly traded companies 
> that the financial pages are concentrated on.

Besides... in many countries the same companies do OWN the media that are
publishing info about them. Not always in the open, from Italy you get
accounts of a total of several hundred people sitting in ALL main national
Boards. Even if the companies are legally independent from each other you
can hardly expect Mr. X to attack company Y from company K, since he is
sitting in company's Y Board himself... 

Drawing up other people's money to pay one's CEO salary can hardly be used
as a criterion for excellence. But it's hard to find one that would fit.
Enron and Parmalat did look stable, didn't they? Most such monsters are
certified by friends of relatives of friends... so if all you want is nice
data you'll get tons of it :)

I'd say that the safer thing for an encyclopedia would be avoiding judgments
altogether. Pointing users toward an article explaining what criteria are
basically used by banks and agents to attract consumers' money would be far
more interesting.

Everything else is 100% POV. Maybe a fortunate POV that can make you a rich
man, but nevertheless it's POV. Financial reports are made to meet fiscal
and marketing requirements, what sort of objectivity would you expect from a
capitalistic version of the soviet Pravda? :))))

Berto 'd Sera
Personagi dl'ann 2006 per l'arvista american-a Time (tanme tuti vojaotri)

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