[Wikipedia-l] school articles : enough

Mark Clements gmane at kennel17.co.uk
Sat Jan 27 15:13:59 UTC 2007

"Ray Saintonge" <saintonge at telus.net> wrote in
message news:45BB0196.7070204 at telus.net...
> Mark Williamson wrote:
> >The thing about high schools is that they have alumni. A particularly
> >large high school could have, I don't know, maybe 50,000 alumni? How
> >off am I?
> >
> That seems high. If a school has 1,000 graduates each year it would take
> 50 years to reach that number.

Well, that seems reasonable, in fact in England (where I'm from) I imagine a
high proportion of schools are older than 50 years.  The two that I know
about (mine - an
inner-city comp, founded in the 19th century, and the school my Girlfriend
teaches at, est. 1917) are significantly older!.

- Mark Clements (HappyDog)

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