[Wikipedia-l] school articles : enough

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sat Jan 27 08:03:01 UTC 2007

David Monniaux wrote:

>George Herbert wrote:
>>Can you describe in more detail what types of complaints?
>Typical complaints: an article (or a former version thereof) will, in
>increasing order of severity:
>* Contain true, but anecdotal or biasedly presented information on the
>school. (Example: three years ago, there was a party where students were
>drunk. Who cares? This happens everywhere.)
>* Contain false allegations against the school. Example: the school is a
>known drug trafficking spot.
>* Contain information on the private life of named individuals,
>especially minors. Example: calling a certain female student a slut,
>saying that such or such teacher is homosexual, or similar.
>* Contain libellious accusations against named individuals. Example: the
>principal was accused of statutory rape.
These are all things that can be removed from the article without 
deleting the article.


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