[Wikipedia-l] Entries for deletion.... Notability

Ian Tresman it at knowledge.co.uk
Wed Jan 10 16:28:31 UTC 2007

>I tend to disagree. I have reliable sources giving the date of birth and
>death of my great-(x many) grandparents, as well as a few other facts of
>their lifes. Does that make them notable?

Sure, but no published source in which your grandparent is featured.

>I think the internet archive is a
>reliable source on the content of webpages. Does that mean every webpage on
>the internet archive is notable enough to get an article on Wikipedia? Every
>separate game of chess that has its notation published? Lab rat #2687?

I think there is a difference between mentioning something trivially, 
and an article featuring something. There could be featured chess 
games, which is different from a mere mention.

Ian Tresman 

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