No subject

Sat Jan 6 13:53:56 UTC 2007

that the upload function gets abused, while general Wiki pages do not.
In another Wiki, I added a quick input box at the bottom of each page,
where any reader could input a question that would be added to the end
of the page, without passing through the normal edit form.  That
feature got abused too (or maybe users mistook it for a search form),
so I had to remove that feature.  Seems there are some cases where
open contributions work and some where they don't, as if pressing the
"save" button makes people think twice.

Perhaps the uploads should be visible in the RecentChanges list?
Perhaps there should be a "view other versions" for each upload?
Perhaps a Wikipage in the upload: namespace for each uploaded object?

  Lars Aronsson
  <lars at>
  tel +46-70-7891609

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