No subject

Sat Jan 6 13:53:56 UTC 2007

and playing music.  Of course, since I work online, I will be able to
take my new laptop and work there as usual without missing a beat.  If
anyone's there who would like to get together, drop me an e-mail.  (I
still would like to meet with a few members who live here in Las Vegas,
but the best-laid plans...)

After that, I will be living in Izhevsk, Russia, an industrial city in
the central-western part of European Russia, for an indefinite period of
time, but probably about three months.  My Russian language skills are
sure to improve immensely.  I've lived abroad before and I enjoy the
experience.  I don't expect any disruptions to my connection, and while
I might be taking a few vacation days here and there, I generally should
be able to continue on in my present role in pretty much the same way I
always have.

Anyway, after that, I'm not sure where I'll be.  I might be in Russia
until the end of summer, though I don't quite expect that--and if so, my
next destination might be Ireland.  Otherwise I'll return directly to
the U.S.

Ah, the joys of working online.

Best to all!  Wish me luck!


 Lawrence M. Sanger, Ph.D. ||   lsanger at
 Editor-in-Chief, Nupedia  ||
 Ordinary Wikipedian       ||

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